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Press Release on 05.08.2022

Hamburg, 05.08.2022

The Hamburg Assembly Authority, which is affiliated to the Police, has again failed before the Higher Administrative Court yesterday evening to prevent the holding of a protest camp. It had filed an appeal against an urgent decision of the Administrative Court. Thus it is confirmed in second instance that the System Change Camp ( August 9-15) with its entire infrastructure such as sleeping and function tents, food and drinking water supply is under the protection of the freedom of assembly. The camp is intended to draw attention to the consequences of the climate crisis and to protest against the LNG terminals planned by the ‘traffic light’ government. The organizers* expect several thousand participants.

“Once again, the Hamburg Assembly Authority has shown itself to be a democracy-free zone. By hook or by crook, it has tried to restrict our democratic rights. For this, the police has now already conceded the second judicial slap. This is a success for democracy and a success for us,” comments Toni Lux, spokesperson for the camp organization. “As of today, we will start setting up our camp at the Altonaer Volkspark and from now on we expect the absolute cooperation of the Assembly Authority.”

Originally, the applicants had wanted to hold the System Change Camp on the large fairground of the Hamburg city park, which would have offered enough space. However, the assembly authorities referred the organizers to a much smaller area at the Altonaer Volkspark. In doing so, the authority probably relied on the fact that the space requirement would be lower without the sleeping tents and infrastructure that it had banned. After the decision of the Higher Administrative Court, this is now no longer the case.

“We are already looking forward to a lively camp in Altona with two large and two small circus tents for our great event program, our two kitchens for everyone and to the many, many people who will already arrive next week with bag and baggage to fight for a better and democratic climate,” emphasizes Toni Lux. “But we need more space. The Bornmoorwiese lies close by. Therefore we demand: Give us the Bornmoorwiese! Now!”

For the System Change Camp in Hamburg, more than 30 political groups have formed an alliance, including Ende Gelände, Abya Yala Anticolonial, Fridays for Future, as well as the Green Youth and the BUND Youth from Hamburg, ASEED Europe or the Interventionist Left. It aims to unite the struggles of climate policy movements, anti-colonial and anti-militarist groups. Up to 6,000 participants are expected. A demonstration has been announced for August 10 with the title: “Stop LNG, sabotage fossil capitalism!” It will start at 5:00 pm at the Landungsbrücken.


Contact Information

E-Mail: systemchange_camp@riseup.net
Toni Lux: +49 152 13084785
Charly Dietz: +49 163 681 1776
Luka Scott: +49 177 9705757





Groups and alliances involved:

Abya Yala Anticolonial,
Aktionsbündnis Kesselbambule,
Animal Rebellion,
Antifa Hoheluft,
Colombia Solidaria Hamburgo,
Debt for Climate!,
Ende Gelände,
Extinction Rebellion,
FAU Hamburg,
Gegenstrom Hamburg,
Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie,
Grüne Jugend Hamburg,
Internationale Sozialistische Organisation,
Interventionistische Linke,
Klimakollektiv Oldenburg,
Klimatreffen Hamburg,
Lützerath Lebt,
Rettet Hamburgs Natur,
Rheinmetall Entwaffnen,
RWE & Co enteignen,
Sand im Getriebe,
Seebrücke Berlin,
Transform LEJ,
…ums Ganze!,
Ung Vänster Göteborg & Bohuslän,
Wald statt Asphalt,
We are Plan C,
Women Defend Rojava