
Stop Coal. System Change now!


Call for anti-LNG action weeks!

10. September 2024 We all know that clean gas is a dirty lie! The import of fracked LNG promotes neo-colonial exploitation, leads to massive climate damage and environmental destruction, especially in indigenous and black communities. Continue reading ...


31. March 2024 Hello, There is a lot of news: After the Lüterzath eviction, the first trial dates are now trickling in, the prison sentence against a BlockNeurath activist has been overturned, but there are also a lot of other trials, of which we can probably only discuss a fraction. This time, for the further training, we have dealt with the accusation of coercion, which we are particularly concerned with in the prosecution of all kinds of blockades. And of course: AntiRRR has been around for over 10 years now. But read for yourself. Continue reading ...

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Disobedient Against Capitalism and for Climate Justice – Worldwide!

Melting glaciers, rising sea levels, species extinction, droughts and floods – the climate catastrophe is endangering entire regions and making them uninhabitable. The people who have contributed the least are being hit especially hard: People in the Global South are already losing their livelihoods because of the climate crisis, while corporations in the Global North continue to make profits as if there were no tomorrow. Politicians want to maintain this system of global injustice, exploitation and destruction, because capitalism must grow – at any price. We have to fight for a climate-just world ourselves, together and in solidarity!

For this reason: Come to the greater Hamburg area August 09 – 15, 2022 for our Climate Camp and Action Week against a fossil rollback and the expansion of fossil gas infrastructure!

Putting an End to the Lie of Clean Gas

Science says more clearly than ever: we must act now or we will miss the 1.5 degree target. But fossil capitalism is incapable of a radical turnaround. That’s why we must take the phase-out of all fossils into our own hands. Gas is an accelerator of the climate crisis. Gas fuels war. Gas is colonial violence. Our answer is resistance! We were active in Hamburg in 2022 and on the island of Rügen in 2023 to clean up the lie of clean gas, to make the colonial continuities visible and initiate the system change.

Gas Exit instead of Gas Lock-In

Fossil gas, like coal, is an accelerator of the climate crisis. We must phase out all fossil fuels immediately. But the German government is signing shady long-term contracts for the import of climate-damaging liquefied natural gas (LNG) and wants to plaster the coast with new LNG terminals. By 2043, fracked gas will also be delivered to these terminals, which is synonymous with extreme environmental destruction, exploitation and displacement. We must act now to prevent gas lock-in. We are the investment risk for LNG. Exit gas now, get out of LNG and all fossil fuels.

System Change not Climate Change!

Capitalism is stretching the limits of the planet. Like coal, gas and oil only serve the profit interests of the fossil fuel industry and destroy livelihoods, especially in the Global South. We must break free from this destructive system that puts economic growth and profits above lives and livelihoods. We stand in the way of this here and now and fight for climate justice and a socio-ecologically just system change.

All Villages Stay – Worldwide!

Together we fight for climate justice! We will not allow the climate to be heated up further, islands to sink into the ocean and more villages to be demolished for dirty coal.
All villages will stay – in the Rhineland and worldwide. For the immediate exit from coal, gas and oil! Climate justice remains manual work!

More fossil energies? Not with us! Our promise is: We will come back until the last digger stands still!