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Press release, 31 July 2021, 10:30 am
Today, indigenous frontline activists in the protest against fracking in Texas, USA, have support an action of civil disobedience by the climate justice movement “Ende Gelaende” (“Here and no further”) against the first fracking gas import terminal planned in Germany near Hamburg. The activists are opposing human rights abuses and environmental pollution by European fracking companies, that cause severe diseases and death, especially in countries of the global south and in indigenous areas in the U.S. and Canada.
Elida Castillo was able to report directly from Texas on the devastation fracking is causing: “Children can’t play outside because of the refineries. Children get leukaemia because of the refineries. Everything is poisoned. It breaks my heart that I have to go halfway across the world to be heard. But the companies fracking our neighborhoods, they are European – they don’t get to see the destruction they wreak on us. We never thought this would happen to our community. We saw it happen to us, we see it happening to others, the companies won’t rest until they’ve retrieved every drop of gas & oil.”
While several European states have banned fracking in their own territories due to the risks of groundwater contamination and earthquakes, they increasingly import shale gas from the US. Since 2018, LNG imports from the U.S. to Europe have rose by 760% [1]. Due to the expansion of LNG infrastructure, a further increase in import volumes is expected.
Dr. Christopher Basaldú who is Esto’k Gna, a member of the Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Texas, stated: “No company ever talked to our tribe about the LNG terminals they plan to build on our territories. The pipelines, the fracking sites, the export terminals – they’re destroying the water and wildlife, all for European consumption. It comes down to disrespect of humanity and nature itself. Very few people are driving the destruction of all life on this planet.”
For this weekend, Ende Gelaende has announced actions against the construction of the planned Brunsbüttel LNG terminal. The climate justice movement calls for an immediate phase-out of gas infrastructure.
Ronja Weil, spokesperson of Ende Gelaende adds: “Clean gas is a dirty lie. Anyone planning new gas infrastructure in the midst of the climate crisis must reckon with us. We are now initiating the immediate gas phase-out ourselves through civil disobedience. Whether it’s an LNG terminal or a gas pipeline like Nord Stream II, gas companies can take note: We are your investment risk.”
Contact details
Ronja Weil: +49 163 681 17 76 (English-language inquiries only)
Joli Schröter: +49 151 413 745 27 (only German)
Elia Nejem: +49 177 967 68 05 (only German)
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Photo and video footage:
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/133937251@N05/albums
Video footage is available upon request.
[1] European Commission. „Quarterly Report on European Gas Markets”, DG Energy, Vol. 12., issue 4, fourth quarter of 2019. Link: https://tinyurl.com/9e9jtswz