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System Change Camp 2023
We want to come together from 30.07. to 06.08. in Hanover for the big System Change Camp.
The climate crisis is escalating: countless heat waves, droughts and floods are occuring all over the world. International corporations are destroying local livelihoods to generate profits. Their business model is based on extractivist practices such as fracking, coal or lithium mining. We have to do something about this – read our call for the System Change Camp here.
At the camp we want to come together as a climate justice movement and continue the ideas and networking of last year’s camp in Hamburg and tie in with current discussions in the movement. There will be space for networking, further education and skill-shares, strategic discussions and a cultural programme.
What can you expect at the camp?
- We organise ourselves and take joint responsibility for the camp, the work (snipping, cleaning toilets, disposing of rubbish, we take on night shifts together, there is no service provider).
- Rich workshop programme with approx. 10 parallel workshops
- Camp life will be organised together in the morning plenum and adapted to the wishes.
- We all want to make sure that everyone feels comfortable and treat each other with respect, empathy and goodwill.
- The focus of the camp is on educational programmes and strategic exchange, there will be no actions.
- Networking and onboarding with climate justice groups from your region is possible.
Daily schedule (31.07 – 06.-08.) and programme
08:00-09:00 Open Space
08:00-09:30 Breakfast
09:30-10:00 Camp plenary
10:15-11:30 Repro time (10:30 Delegates Plenary for camp structures)
11:30-13:00 Workshop Slot 1
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:15-15:45 Workshop Slot 2
15:45-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-18:00 Workshop Slot 3
18:30-19:30 Open Space
19:00-20:30 Dinner
20:30-22:00 Evening programme
21:00-21:45 Closing the Day Plenary Session
We start on Sunday, 30 July, with a joint camp set-up day (the days before will also be spent setting up) and the opening plenary at 18:00. The workshop programme (and the daily schedule shown here) will then start on Monday, 31 July and run until Sunday, 6 August. Here you can find the detailed programme.
Camp location and support
The camp has been registered at the Georgengarten in Hanover. You can find more information about the arrival and the camp location here.
Would you like to present your group or alliance at the “Market of Opportunities” on Thursday? Or do you want to support us with the organisation of the programme? Get in touch with! You can find a detailed Call for Content here. Please note the submission stop for program items (except for certain topics, see here).
You want to support the camp on site, e.g. with the set-up and dismantling, in the awareness team, in the childcare, with the transport of material or many other tasks? Just sign up in our online support tool.
You have more ideas or questions that we couldn’t answer here? Write to (PGP-Key).
Camp setup will be on Friday, July 29. Come around! :)
Camp structures are care work for the movement – organising the camp
Creating the space where people can learn from and with each other, make new contacts and plan future actions only works if everyone helps. All camp structures (called “infra” for short) are care work for the movement!
Infra (= infrastructure) on the camp
- Kitchen – there will be a mega vegan “Küfa” (“Küche für alle” – Kitchen for all)
- Toilets – is a care task for everyone, for which especially cis dudes should feel more responsible (cleaning/emptying).
- Setting up/dismantling (tents, water/sewage, electricity, seating, sun protection etc…) – you can learn a lot of cool infra stuff and be happy at the end of setting up that everyone has water and a roof over their heads.
- Low-barrier camp – The work packacke barrier-free camp wants to invite you to write us, what your needs for the camp are ( The people in the work package aren’t affected by a lot of barriers themselves, so we would be thankful for input and needs from people who are! This year our capacities to fulfill those needs might be limited, but the feedback will be useful for coming years and camp organizations! More info here.
- Low-discrimination camp – we try to question a lot of issues we have learned (in a sexist, ableist and racist society) and do them differently
- Awareness structure – we have an awareness structure with tent
- BIPoC awareness structure – we have a BIPoC awareness structure with their own tent
- Technology – we want everyone to be able to hear everything, so we are working on interpretation concepts and making sure that as many people as possible can participate.
- Security – police everywhere, no security anywhere, so we will take matters into our own hands and look after each other.
- Sanis/Hygiene concept – there is a comprehensive hygiene concept that covers all possible infectious diseases and a sanicrew that can take care of all possible injuries
- Childcare – often people drop out of political work when they have kids, we want to counteract this and give people the opportunity to participate in the programme as well
- Camping space – we will provide space for many tents – but you have to bring your own sleeping tents ;)
The Camp AG is looking forward to your support! Write an email to (PGP-Key) if you want to get involved!
Even though the camp has an anti-capitalist claim, it is only possible through financial donations. If you can and want to support in this way, you can find all the info under Donations.
System Change. Now!