
Basta de Carbón. ¡Protejamos el Clima!

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Ending Our Silence

As Ende Gelände, we have discussed the situation in Israel/Palestine a lot over the last year and went through an educational process. As a result, we were unable to act as a group on the issue in our public relations work and practice and showed little solidarity with those resisting war, systematic murder, racism and antisemitism and with those affected by repression. We want to apologize for this. We are ending this silence with this comprehensive statement. In it, we take a stand against suffering and dehumanization, against warmongering and arms deliveries. We name the colonial dynamics, the climate injustices and the necessity of resistance against them. We stand in solidarity with the protests from below against war, genocide, racism and antisemitism. We consider analyses that Israel has established an apartheid regime and is committing genocide against Palestinian society to be plausible and the struggles against this to be worthy of support. We naturally do not cooperate with groups that pursue inhumane ideologies or practices. These include, among others, fundamentalist Zionist and Islamist groups. We stand against the racist discussion and politics in Germany, the logic of its so-called “state reason” and the enormous repression. We criticize the interpretation and lessons that the German government draws from National Socialism and demand a consistent dealing with anti-Semitism, racism, the wealth from the Nazi era and other fascist continuities. We see many great initiatives in the left. We are impressed by the worldwide protests in solidarity with Palestine and we want to show our solidarity with them. We advocate an open and serious examination of the different positions and at the same time demand that critical voices contribute constructively. We urgently want to keep spaces for discussion open. We think that a broad common practice of the climate justice movement and the Palestine solidarity movement is possible as in other countries and we want to contribute to it. This statement is meant to be a starting point for further educational processes and aims to create space for discussion and organisation. No climate justice on occupied land!

To the whole position paper