
stop au charbon. protéger le climat!

  • 9.8. - 15.8.2022Camp Justice Climatique et action de masse dans la région de Hambourg

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Action Consensus for Rügen 2023

The action consensus is a binding framework for our days of action. We invite all people who subscribe to this agreement to participate in the Ende Gelände actions.

Ende Gelände 2023

From September 22 to 24, we will resist fossil gas, the construction of LNG terminals and the underlying neocolonial and capitalist structures with our diverse actions on Rügen.

Our forms of action

We say what we do and do what we say. Through mass civil disobedience, we oppose infrastructure that fuels the climate crisis and enables neocolonial and capitalist relations of exploitation. Our goal is to prevent the operation and construction of fossil fuel infrastructure. To do this, we demonstrate and block with our bodies. Possible forms of action this year may include deliberately taking climate-damaging infrastructure out of operation even beyond our presence. By information everyone decides consciously for themselves between the action forms.
We will not let ourselves be stopped by structural obstacles; we will flow through or around police or plant security barriers. We act thoughtfully and do not endanger people. Our actions are not directed against workers and residents, but against fossil capital and climate injustice and the systems that sustain them.
Our diverse forms of protest and action convey an image of diversity, creativity and openness.

Capacities & end of action

We respect each other. Everyone should decide for themselves how to take action. We prepare well for the action, for example through action trainings or legal workshops. We support each other in the action and keep an eye on the capacities of structures and individuals. We decide on the length of the action together and on site in close consultation with the support structures. After the action we process together what we have experienced and carry repressions collectively.

Participation by (small) groups

We invite (small) groups to enrich our action days with their forms of action. If groups want support from the alliance, individual EG- and support structures decide on the basis of their capacities and in close exchange with the groups whether and how they can support them. The same applies to groups that want to maintain blockades beyond the agreed time frame and action location.


We come from different social movements and political spectrums and see ourselves as part of the climate justice movement. Therefore we are against the social and ecological consequences of fossil capitalism and neocolonialism. We are in solidarity with all those who resist for a climate-just world.
In our actions we anticipate the world we want to see. We make our decisions in a grassroots democratic way and by consensus; we try to reduce hierarchies as much as possible.

No room for discrimination and clearly anti-racist.

Our struggle for a climate justice world is antiracist, antiableist, queerfeminist, antifascist, antimilitarist and anticapitalist. We oppose all anti-Semitism and all forms of exploitation and oppression.
We claim to be aware of and take action against everyday and structural discrimination among ourselves and by society. We offer space and solidarity to the people and groups among us who are affected by discrimination.
As a movement we are in a process of anti-racist learning, teaching and reflection. Structural racism is also evident in racist police practices, among other things. In this context, white positioned people should reflect on their privileges when interacting with the police. If we still want to contact the police, we will carefully examine our motivation, our attitude and our goal beforehand, if necessary together in the Deli plenary.