
stop au charbon. protéger le climat!

  • 9.8. - 15.8.2022Camp Justice Climatique et action de masse dans la région de Hambourg

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Registration for the European Strategy conference

This is the registration form for the European strategy conference, facilitated by the By2020WeRiseUp platform.

It will take place online on Friday evening, 27th of November and
Saturday, 28th of November.

Necessary fields are marked with a star *

For any question, please write to: by2020we@riseup.net
Objectives for this conference will include:
• Updates on our group’s current situations + existing plans for 2021
• Looking ahead to and envisioning action choreographies for 2021
• Evaluation of and learning from climate justice coordination + the By2020-campaign
• Looking into European coordination after the suspension of the By2020-campaign
• and what else do *you* need?

With Love and Rage,
Your #By2020WeRiseUp facilitation-team