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Action 2020
Our action 2020 will take place from 23 to 28 September 2020 and we will block from Friday to Sunday.
There will be about 10 base stations in and around the Rhenish lignite mining area. This is part of our infection control concept, as not too many people will be in one place. Base stations are places where activists can stay before, during and after the action. There they will be place to sleep in tents or via an accommodation platform (beds), but they also offer access to information, materials, action training and food.
The different fingers will start from the base stations. Compared to the last years, there will be more, but smaller fingers to make the action as Corona-compatible as possible. Among other things, there will again be a low-barrier colorful finger, as well as an „Anti Kohle Kidz“ finger („Anti-Coal-Kidz“) mainly for young people and fingers for non-German speakers. There will also be an extension to natural gas as an action target.
Even if you don’t want to be part of the blockade, we would be very happy if you support the base stations, welcome points etc. This is what the Join-in tool is for.
For a good preparation:
- All activists should participate in an action training, these and other workshops will be organized in several cities. If you don’t have the opportunity, there will be a slimmed down version available at the base stations. Be sure to watch the video with the theoretical part first.
- Take part in legal and medical workshops if possible. These are also offered in some cities. This year it will be more difficult to equip all fingers with paramedics, so first aid knowledge should be well distributed. More information about paramedics in action can be found here (available soon).
- Find an affinity group! Affinity groups are more important than ever this year, as they will be your infection community throughout the action. If you don’t have an affinity group, you can look for one in the affinity group search before you arrive or at the base stations. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that this will happen everywhere.
- Generate your own EA number (EA = „Ermittlungsausschuss“ = legal team) and your personal Corona ID. Please read what you need to know about the two numbers. Without these numbers you cannot participate in the mass action.
- Go through the packing list and take everything important with you. New on it are 3 FFP2 masks without valves, 2-3 everyday masks, disinfectant and 2 biros per person. This year we will only be able to hand out a few masks, these will go to people who cannot afford them themselves.
- Take care of how “Getting There“! Some local groups organize joint trips, but you can also come alone. We will not publish the locations of the base stations, the assignment for individual travelers will be done by the welcome points in Mönchengladbach and Cologne (near the main train stations). If you would like to go to the „Anti Kohle Kidz“, the colorful finger or a not German speaking finger, please see the respective instructions on “Fingers Overview“. All other people will be distributed randomly to the base stations.
- Before the action please inform yourself about the hygiene concept, the action consensus, safety aspects of coal and gas infrastructure, legal information, the different type of fingers and Out of Action. An overview of frequently asked questions can be found in our FAQ.
Overview of all information:
- The call-out for action 2020
- The action consensus 2020
- The hygiene concept – our handling of Corona
- Please form affinity groups now!
- An overview of the fingers
- Information on “Getting There” and important travel tips
- The Join-in tool if you are still looking for tasks
- Information on legal matters
- The packing list
- Take care: All about security
- Information about the paramedics + supplement about the situation of paramedics this year (link coming soon)
- Out of Action: You need help?
- The FAQs 2020
See you soon!a