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Hygiene Concept 2022
The hygiene concept for our camp and mass action is ready and can be downloaded as a PDF. If you want to participate, please read it in time and discuss it in your peer group. Compliance with the hygiene rules is a prerequisite for participation!
Due to the pandemic situation, it will not be possible to prevent people unknowingly being infected with Covid-19 from participating in the camp and the action. If we assume the current pandemic situation, we can deduce that at the present time statistically about 40 infected people would participate in the camp (but it should also be noted that at the moment it looks more like the situation is getting worse, the infection figures are increasing and at the same time there may be a considerable number of unreported cases). We consider the hygiene concept and the acceptance of responsibility by each individual to be all the more important.
There are some significant changes from last year:
- Attentive interaction and adherence to the hygiene concept are solidarity-based actions, because they are antiableist in their core (people with pre-existing conditions can participate, people are given self-determination over their own health).
- We would like to ask people who have actively decided against vaccination not to participate in the camp and the action. We want people to be vaccinated at least 2 times.
- If symptoms develop at the camp, the person and their peer group should isolate themselves and have PCR testing done. A negative test result is needed to continue attending camp.
- Unlike last year, there will be no re-tracing this year. Discuss with your peer group how you will deal with possible infections / how you can inform each other about it and talk about how you as a peer group will deal with the pandemic situation.
The following still applies:
- Please come to the camp and to the action only with a negative test result and without symptoms.
- Wear your mask and make other people aware if they are not wearing a mask.
An additional note about masks: if you write (or print) political messages on your masks, they become part of your protest and cannot be taken away from you easily.
For everything else, please be sure to read the PDF.