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Join-in platforms
Dear Ende Gelände fellow activists and interested people,
The 2020 action is getting closer and closer, our working groups are working at full speed, base stations are being created, but more is needed for the action to succeed.
A wide range of open tasks need to be completed. From setting up and dismantling base stations to supervising pickets, there are many ways to be part of Ende Gelände.
Join-in platforms
This year the tasks are divided into two main areas, both of which have their own join-in platform. If you want to help one (or both) areas, please register in the corresponding platform.
- On the base stations: Join-in at the base stations
- During the action: Join-in during the action
Below you will find descriptions of the tasks in the different areas (area “base station“, area “during action“)
After you have registered in one (or both) of the join-in platforms, you will be forwarded to the respective places and get all information there. 🙂
In addition, there is the very important task of the welcome point support:
Let‘s rock the welcome points together – task in the run-up to our action is looking for groups
The welcome points are prepared in terms of content and material and registered with the authorities. People are still needed to carry out the welcome points on site.
Wednesday afternoon until Friday evening (September 23 – 25).
Probably it will need 24 hour care.
At two different locations in the Rhineland, each at the main station of Mönchengladbach and Cologne.
How does that work?
Official pickets are announced at the stations. There is a pavilion, beer benches, snacks and all information and materials you need for distribution.
The people then arrive at the welcome points, contact you and you assign them a suitable base station. Therefore you will have a live-information system that tells you where which capacities are available.
How many people do you need?
To look after a welcome pointsyou need 3-5 people. One of them has to take over the role of the assembly leader. In order to do so, he or she may have to identify himself or herself to the police. You are assuming a basic right to freedom of assembly and should therefore not fear any direct consequences. However, if your anonymity around actions is very important to you, the assembly leadership may not be the right task for you. All other persons at the picket do not have to identify themselves.
The easiest way is to find a somewhat larger group that can independently create and fill a shift schedule for the three days. This would take a lot of work off the people who are preparing it so far. But it is not a must to register as a large group.
What else is important to think about?
Hygiene! The welcome points are the only places where people (who actually go into action from different base stations – then separated virologically -) meet. There will be masks and desinfection. The pickets will be set up in such a way that people keep their distance. Nevertheless, it is helpful if the welcome point is managed by several people at the same time. In this way, queues can be avoided.
Where can persons/groups get in touch?
Register at the join-in platform.
At the base stations
Assembly and dismantling
Help is needed with the assembly and dismantling of the base stations! Without question a very important task and the perfect opportunity to scurry around the Rhineland a few days earlier. The construction is scheduled to start on Sunday (20 September), the dismantling will last until Wednesday (30 September) after the action.
You will be informed in time at which base station your help is needed. Register at the join-in platform.
Power supply support
Many base stations entail a lot of electricity infrastructure. And for these, expert support is needed! Register at the join-in platform.
Heavy duty drivers
Before, during and after the action some things have to be transported from A to B. Drivers are always on the road as a tandem. If you can imagine taking over shifts as a driver, please let us know if you can drive a truck (also up to 7,5 t) or a car with trailer. Please enter it at the join-in platform.
During the action
Affinity groups wanted!
There will be again many pickets to play, supply actions must be supported or also the „Gesa“ support. For all these tasks we are looking for AFFINITY GROUPS this year. On the one hand because the affinity group can organize itself in the ideal case so much more autonomously. And secondly, so that we don’t have a great deal of fluctuation in the support teams with regard to Corona, but rather that people get together with people they know. This is also part of the hygiene concept that has been in place for years. Please enter it at the join-in platform.
Driving in action
It needs again some cars, which can be on the way in the district. For example, to support support structures such as the press or to enable shift changes. In any case, and yes, we are aware of the inconsistency in the climate context, every car helps. But even if you have a driver’s license and would be willing to drive large or small cars, that’s great! Register in the join-in platform.
Supply and spontaneous stuff
A lot of supplies, water etc. will have to be moved, and for this, too, people will be needed. In addition, some tasks cannot be 100 % predicted, so it will also require people who can be on call in the district. >> Register in the join-in platform. :)