Legal matters (Hamburg)
Legally, the situation in HH differs from that in Schleswig-Holstein, especially with regard to the periods of detention. You will find details below. Please also use the contact points of the Legal Team in HH, which will be announced for workshops and counselling – the EA number will be the same for both action locations. Otherwise, reading the legal aid brochure is also super helpful for the action in HH [LINK].
- Police are allowed to take photographs of people in a detention centre for maintaining security and order in custody or for establishing identity (§ 17 PolDVG).
Already permitted: (§§ 13-13c SOG) - for self-protection or to prevent administrative offences and criminal offences, even if the person has previously been a disruptive force in a comparable situation and in the event of failure to comply with a ban on entering or staying in a place.
- Minors can be taken into custody in order to hand them over to the youth welfare office or their guardians.
- Immediate judicial decision necessary
- Person may notify others
- up to 10 days (with court order) to prevent criminal offences and misdemeanours or in the event of a breach of a residence ban or contact ban, up to 2 days otherwise
- Personal identification for 12 hours
- Sedatives may be administered by force.
- Force-feeding is permitted if the person refuses to eat.
Your EA number for the action
The EA number is an individual number that you can tell the legal team if you are detained and want to contact the legal team anonymously. You can also give the number to your reference group or friends so that they can ask the legal team about you.
You can get your personal EA number here.
What does a legal team do? (Legal Team in German → Ermittlungsausschuss, EA)
You can call the legal team (EA) at any time during the actions. We will take care of arrestees, and will make sure that no one sitting in a police cell is forgotten. After the actions, the legal team can be contacted via e-mail if the actions had legal consequences ( (pgp-Key)).