Legal matters (SH)
On this page you will find information about legal issues, especially for the action in Brunsbüttel (in Schleswig-Holstein = SH).
Further information (e.g. how to get in contact with the legal team for all, what to do if you get mail from the police, the public prosecutor’s office or a court and more) can be found here: -> Legal matters 2020
Legal information about the action in Brunsbüttel
For the action in Schleswig-Holstein, the “Legal Aid Booklet for actions in Schleswig-Holstein (PDF, 07/2021) has been prepared.
What does a legal team do? (Legal Team in German → Ermittlungsausschuss, EA)
You can call the legal team (EA) at any time during the actions. We will take care of arrestees, and will make sure that no one sitting in a police cell is forgotten. After the actions, the legal team can be contacted via e-mail if the actions had legal consequences ( (pgp-Key)).
Calling the legal team:
The legal team will be available by phone 24/7 during the action (0049 (0)30 340 603 13). At the police station you have the right to make a successful phone call, please use it, to call the legal team. [please read more here!]
Your EA number for the action
The EA number is an individual number that you can tell the legal team if you are detained and want to contact the legal team anonymously. You can also give the number to your reference group or friends so that they can ask the legal team about you.
You can get your personal EA number here.
ID refusal
Ende Gelände thinks that people’s collective refusal of giving the police their personal data is a useful strategy in the context of the mass actions they have planned. So far, Ende Gelände has had good experiences with ID refusal. However, for some people or specific groups of people, there might be very good reasons to state one’s personal data. More info can be found here (PDF).
Minors in action?
For all people under the age of 18 (i. e. minors in legal terms), there are also a few peculiarities in
the legal field, and now and then there are special difficulties. Therefore, we have compiled the
most important information for you here. More info can be found here (PDF).
The way to camp and action
The action begins with the journey. Therefore we recommend to prepare, to exchange ideas and to talk about scenarios together. More info can be found here (PDF).