++ Abya Yala Anticolonial at the SystemChangeCamp ++ Schedule for the week ++
Besides all the stress with the authorities here is a very happy post 🎉 AbyaYalaAnticolonial will host a great program the whole week! You can already take a look at the schedule for the week here ❤️

Abya Yala Anticolonial weekly schedule
- August 9
- 4pm Antifascist workshop
- 7pm Movie night
- 10 August
- 4pm Self defense workshop
- 7pm Movie night
- August 11
- 4pm Critique of hyperextractivism and environmental struggle
- 7 pm Movie night
- August 12
- 4pm Music workshop
- 7pm Alicanto Legûero music band
- 13 August
- 4pm Panel discussion “What’s going on in Latin America today?”
- 7pm Movie night
- August 14
- 7pm Buen Vivir Workshop
- August 15
- 4pm Photo exhibition
- 7pm Quiz