+++ Fire in kitchen at climate camp – we need your support +++

The climate justice movement needs your help! In September 2023, Ende Gelaende co-organised a climate camp on the island of Ruegen in Germany to protest against LNG terminals on the island.

Several hundred activists, local residents, and people acting in solidarity with them participated in the protest. We strengthened our network with the local resistance against LNG, organised a demonstration with 700 people together with the local initiative “Lebenswertes Rügen”, organised numerous workshops and events, and blocked the construction site for the LNG terminal in Mukran.

The kitchen team prepared three meals a day for several hundred people and transported them to the demo and a second camp. Kitchens are indispensable, because: no great fight without great food!

Unfortunately, there was a fire in the kitchen at Lebensgut Frankenthal during the camp. Luckily, no people were injured! However, the damage amounts to around EUR 20.000 – and of course we want to pay for this damage. And this is where you come in:

  • Do you have a few euros to spare yourself?
  • Do you know people who are in solidarity with the climate justice movement and could donate?
  • Can you imagine organizing solidarity parties and fundraising campaigns in your city?

The kitchen is used daily to prepare lunch for the local kindergartens. It is also an essential part of Lebensgut Frankenthal, which is a hub for local resistance against LNG terminals and progressive projects on Rügen.

Let’s act together in solidarity to financially help the person using the kitchen to restore it to its original state.

Donation account:

Ende Gelände
IBAN: DE48 4306 0967 1120 8464 00
Subject: Spende fuer Ruegen (meaning “donation for Ruegen” in German)

Ende Gelaende will forward the donations to the person using the kitchen. Unfortunately, we cannot issue any donation receipts, i.e. your donation will not be tax-deductible.


Call for anti-LNG action weeks!

10. September 2024 We all know that clean gas is a dirty lie! The import of fracked LNG promotes neo-colonial exploitation, leads to massive climate damage and environmental destruction, especially in indigenous and black communities. Continue reading ...