Newsletter #05/22

Mobilization for our mass action in and around Hamburg is in full swing. Numerous local groups have begun to hold regional events, such as info events or action training. At the same time, planning is underway for travel to the greater Hamburg area as well as to the mass demonstration in the city centre.

Yes, we camp!

But our mass action this year is more than loud blockades and colourful demonstrations: this year’s action camp is being organized by a larger union, hence, content and activism will be co-designed by other groups. The goal is a System Change Camp for networking and exchange, education and reflection.

Enjoy reading!

1. Preparing for the Action: Local Groups and Dates
2. Getting there
3. Call for the kick-off Demonstration in Hamburg on 10.08.
4. Invitation to the System Change Camp and Action Days
5. Aktionslogistik needs you!
6. Donations

The picture shows two people carrying away a third person. which is a classic exercise in action training.

1. Preparing for the Action: Local Groups and Dates

In many places, preparations for the action in August have already begun. You want to participate in this year’s Ende Gelände mass action in/around Hamburg and are looking for information and contacts? There is a full calendar of preparation dates and a long list of active local groups.

Info events and action training are currently available in many cities. Check here to see if there are events near you!

Is your city not listed? Check here to see if there is a local Ende Gelände or climate justice/action group near you and get in touch. (in German)

The picture shows a train, from the window of the train people are holding out a banner that says ".No border, no nation, no coalpowerstation".

2. Getting there

Anyone who wants can come to the System Change Camp and the Ende Gelände mass action this year. We do not plan to limit the number of participants.

This year, the camp will be in or around Hamburg and many people will travel collectively, some with the 9€ ticket. In the upcoming weeks, you will get all information on the arrival, bus and train tickets on the website. Please have a look here:

If you want to organize a joint journey (with others) from a corner of Europe, whether that’s with a rented bus or the 9€ ticket, then please write the start time and place, as well as arrival time to so that your journey appears on this website for everyone to see. We can also send you tips and tricks for renting buses or for travelling together on the train, just send us an email 😉

A demonstration marches through the streets of Hamburg with banners and umbrellas. There is a banner that says "Attack German Colonialism!"

3. Call for the kick-off demonstration in Hamburg on 10.08.

Let’s take the streets together in Hamburg against LNG and colonial exploitation!

2022: The climate crisis is escalating. Floods, forest fires, food and water shortages, droughts and heat phases with over 50 degrees Celcius are now a reality. Despite flooding in Hamburg or burning forests in Brandenburg, the situation in the global north can still be considered manageable. However, more severe consequences are already faced in those areas that have contributed least to the climate crisis. At the same time, they are the ones being affected the most.

Meanwhile, the energy crisis, which started due to Russian aggression, leads to new but self-imposed fossil fuel dependencies. Since there’s no gas coming through existing pipelines, LNG terminals are being built by the so-called Green Party and with Robert Habeck’s support. However, LNG – i.e. liquid gas – is fracked out of the ground, often in areas inhabited by indigenous groups and leads to disastrous consequences for the local environment. All just to continue the industry’s profit maximization. This colonial and climate-damaging destruction must be stopped. We stand in solidarity with the struggles against colonial extractivism in the global south, as is currently the case in Ecuador. Activists in neocolonial struggles are exposed to repression, persecution and murder on the ground just because of their activism. Whether in Vaca Muerte or Cabo Delgado: neocolonialism kills!

While plans for LNG terminals are underway in Stade, Brunsbüttel, Wilhelmshaven, Lubmin, Rostock and Hamburg, the Port of Hamburg represents colonialist structures like no other place in Germany. Goods, resources, commodities and fossil energy are being made to, fueling the system of exploitative capitalism ever faster. These are the direct supply chains to the climate crisis! But logistics are fragile, as not least the strikes of the dockers in Hamburg impressively showed. Let’s pick up where we left off. It’s clear: Instead of a port for the global mobility of goods, we need open borders for all people and an economic system based on need instead of profit!

We stand against a system based on neocolonialism, and exploitation that profits only the rich. We demonstrate in Hamburg to stop all fossil energy sources and rapid deployment of renewable energy! Come with us in the run-up to the Ende-Gelände Action Days and join the demonstration at the “Landungsbrücken” at 5 pm!

System Change Camp & Action Days

4. Invitation to the System Change Camp and Action Days

This year we want to invite you to an open System Change Camp & Action Days in Hamburg around our planned actions against gas and colonialism. This means that the EG action will be part of a larger camp, which will be co-designed by other groups in terms of content and action.

The alliance Ende Gelände is coming to Hamburg this year with a mass action of civil disobedience against LNG and neo-colonialism! Because at different ports in Northern Germany (Brunsbüttel, Wilhelmshaven, Stade) the new construction of liquefied natural gas terminals is supposed to start this year and with it, gas from abroad will be imported to Germany – and we want to stop that!

Since these struggles will (unfortunately) certainly accompany us for a few more years and the last two Corona years have isolated many left-wing groups and struggles, we want to embed our action in a larger movement-building camp in the summer. The idea is to enable, beyond the Ende Gelände action, a big coming together and exchange of different groups in a common camp + action days: True to the motto System Change, not Climate Change.

For this purpose, a Hamburg alliance of diverse groups has already been formed to bring the multitude of struggles in time to the streets, into the minds and into the media. We invite you, along with many other local, national and international groups, to jointly create a large camp + program + actions in and around Hamburg in the time frame of August 09-15, 2022. Which topic and which form of action (workshop/demo/small group action/info stand…) – that’s up to you.

For more Infos and Updates visit System Change Camp & Action Days.

People in typical Ende Gelände overalls form a human chain, behind them are people in police uniform

5. Aktionslogistik needs you!

Neocolonial exploitation building new LNG terminals and the reopening old coal-based power plants? Let’s all come together and stop this fucking shit!

For this we need your support! We are the logistics team of Ende Gelände and we‘re looking for people who want to be part of our big climate justice camp and the actions in and around Hamburg from August 9-15.

Tasks will include:

– holding points of vigil
– offering support for detainees
– signing up as a logistics driver (with or without your own car)
– painting overalls for the mass action and coordinating the distribution of material

If you want to participate, you can join us the following ways:

1. We‘ll be holding a supporter’s plenum (‚Mitmachplenum’) on the camp.
At the Mitmachplenum you can sign up for tasks and get all the information you need.
Our MitMachPlena will take place:

– Wednesday, August 10, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
– Friday, August 12, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

2. We will also have a supporters contact point (‚MitMachPunkt’) on the camp, where you can sign up for the action logistics.

3. If you are a group of activists and already know that you could support detainees at jail or to take part in a point of vigil during the action, you are very welcome to send us an email right now.

For holding vigil around the action and possibly in front of jails, we are also looking for people to register those points. You must be at least 18 years old and be willing to give your real name. And if you already know that you will be available as a driver with your own car or that you can provide us with a car during the action, reach out to us. If you want to support us as a driver, you need to carry your driver’s license.

Please write to: (you can find our pgp key here)

The photo shows a power plant. In front of the plant's main entrance is blocked by people dressed in the typical Ende Gelände outfit.

6. Donations

Support us now with your donation!

Even if we fight for a world in which money no longer decides what is done and what is not: In order to be able to rent numerous tents, transport material or purchase equipment for the movement in the long run, we also need currently accepted and existing means of payment. That’s why we are very happy if you can make a financial contribution and thus help us to have more freedom of action.

Here you can find out how to support us and further information regarding donations:

No matter if once or regularly. No matter if pit, camp or donation – become a part of Ende Gelände!


Call for anti-LNG action weeks!

10. September 2024 We all know that clean gas is a dirty lie! The import of fracked LNG promotes neo-colonial exploitation, leads to massive climate damage and environmental destruction, especially in indigenous and black communities. Continue reading ...