Update with new Infos!

Dear activists for climate justice,

an important place of our resistance is to be destroyed. In the last few days, it seemed that the ongoing of Hambi occupation was only a matter of a few days. We do not want to let that happen! We, Ende-Gelände, call for two actions: now on 6 Ocotber and of course from 25 to 29 October, to the long planned big mass action.

A few days ago the invitation to our action at the beginning of October reached you.

Here are further informations

Please spread this widely!

We call you

on Saturday, 6 October to a multifaceted action day at the Hambacher Forest together with many other activists:

Stop coal now! Hambi stays!

The Ende Gelände Action Plenaries

for all who are already there, are on Friday at 7 pm and on Saturday at 9:30 am in the Hambi-Camp in Manheim.

Starting point for everybody will be at the train station Buir on Saturday at noon. The big demostration “Save the forest! Stop coal” will begin there and we will be joining: https://www.stop-kohle.de/

For the action on 6 October several Ende Gelände local groups and multiple befriended groups have united. Due to limited planning time your self-organization is inevitable.


INFOS about the ACTION:

Contact to Ende Gelände action on 6.10.18:

For all important questions you can reach us at



Organize your journey:

There are two possibilities:

1) Organize your own buses:

They should arrive on Friday or Saturday morning and not return before Sunday. Like this, you will have more time to settle in before the action and you can also join the protests on Sunday to maintain the AZ (autonomous centre) in cologne.


2) Or check if there is an NGO bus from your city.

Please make sure the bus will not return before evening.  If it leaves right after the NGO demonstration, you will need an overnight stay on site!

The link to the NGO Carpooling Exchange:



Planning your overnight stay:

There are several possibilities here as well:

1) If possible, please try to stay with friends in the area.

2) Hambi-Camp: A limited number of activists can stay at the camp site in Manheim. But please keep in mind that the camp does not work automatically! Especially in the days before and after thousands of people are on the site the camp is happy to be revitalized and to find many helping hands. So please think about how long you want to stay.

3) There is also the Ende Gelände Online Bed Exchange where you can offer and find sleeping places:

4) And you are also welcome to use the following bed exchange in Cologne:


Legal, EA (“Ermittlungsausschuss”):

  • The EA / the Legal Team will be available during the whole action (day and night) and can be reached by phone at: +49 (0)30 – 340 603 13 / 030 – 340 603 13
  • Please inform yourself in advance about legal questions: https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/rechtliches/


Ende Gelände action consensus:

The action on 6 October will take place within the framework of our collectively elaborated action consensus. This is a requirement for the action to be transparent and easy to asses for all participants. All people who agree to this consensus are welcome to join us in this action: https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/aktionskonsens/


Affinity groups:

Form affinity groups! They are a requirement for us to be able to take care of each other within the action. Read more here: https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/bezugsgruppen-bilden-bgb/

Out of Action

Also for the Ende Gelände action on 6 October there will be an “Out of Action” offer: activists who want to leave the action due to very stressful experiences, will find people to talk to there. If a person from your affinity group is leaving the action in order to take good care of her- / himself – please make sure that somebody accompanies them!

Out of Action Cologne will be on site the whole weekend from 5 to 7 October at least in the AZ Cologne and is reachable via mobile under +49177 69 57 448.


  • For the action you will need: Hammock, sturdy shoes, warm clothes, dense universal cloth, rain cover, food, enough water, identification papers (if you want to identify yourself), a little change, small first aid kit, gold foil life blanket and medication if needed. Make sure your luggage does not get too heavy.
  • What you should leave at home: unnecessary information about you (calendars, private phones), anything that can be interpreted as a weapon, alcohol/drugs, cameras. No creams, make-up, contact lenses (because of pepper spray).

Organizse mobi-events, spread leaflets and get active on social media:

  • A leaflet for the action on 6 October to download and self-print is available at the EG-Page. https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/mobi-material/
  • The most important mobilization for the 6 October will be happening on social media. Please join in and share with many!
  • Organize a mobilization action in your city, inform other people about Ende Gelände or share your best Hambi experiences.
  • For mobilization questions you can also contact the Mobi-AG: mobi@ende-gelaende.org

Silk-screen printing and Co:

  • We have templates for spraying, printing and silkscreen prints available so that we can send our message “Ende Gelände – Hambi bleibt! Kohleausstieg jetzt! One Struggle, One Fight!” out together as numerous as possible in the world. You can find them by the stencils on the Ende Gelände homepage. Finding a canvas for it is up to you. https://www.ende-gelaende.org/de/mobi-material/
  • Our usual Ende Gelände outfit will not be available this time. So choose your own outfit for the day and show our theme on your winter jacket or overshirt.


“Weil wir am Wald hängen” (“because we set our heart to the forest”) is the theme of our action. The vision behind it: On 6 October thousands of people bring their (red) hammock to settle down together and to draw a “red line”. To make this work out fine, we wrote it on the packing list. Furthermore, you can come together for sewing sessions to make your own hammock. (Suitable also as a Mobi-action 🙂


Our goal – end coal!

Hambi stays!

See you on 6 October at the Hambacher Forest!




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