Newsletter #06/22

Today camp set up has begun – finally! Despite the assembly authorities’ various efforts to block the camp, we were able to enforce our democratic right to assemble by taking legal action.

We also have more information about the camp for you today: Our awareness concept and info on how we deal with barriers are now available on the website. Moreover, there are new podcast episodes: #32 Against the expansion of gas infrastructure and colonialism and #33 on action and repression.

Lastly, we want to look at the rebellious time after our action and invite you to the climate camp in Lützerath.

Enjoy reading!

1. Setup of the System Change Camp starts today
2. Awareness and Barriers at the camp
3. Podcast Episode #33 Action & Repression
4. Climate Camp in Lützerath 24.-28.08.2022
5. Donations


Ein Dronen-Bild eines Ende Gelände camps mit hunderten Zelten. Dazu die Schrift "Yes we camp - sieg vor dem Oberverwaltungsgericht. Schlafzelte auch in zweiter instanz erlaubt"

1. Setup of the System Change Camp in Hamburg starts today

Last night, Hamburg’s Assembly Authority, which is affiliated with the police, failed again before the Higher Administrative Court in its attempt to prevent our protest camp from being held. The court confirmed an earlier ruling of the lower Administrative court. We are hence glad to announce that our right to assemble has been firmly established before the second judicial instance and the System Change Camp between the 9-15 of August with its entire infrastructures such as sleep and operation tents, food and drinking water supply will be protected. The camp aims to draw attention to the consequences of the climate crisis and to protest against the LNG terminals planned by the german government.

“Once again, the Hamburg police assembly authority proved to be a democracy-free zone. In every way possible, it has tried to restrict our democratic rights. For this, the police have now conceded the second judicial slap. This is a success for democracy and hence a success for us,” comments Toni Lux, spokesperson for the camp organization. “As of today, we will start setting up our camp at the Altonaer Volkspark and from now on we expect the absolute cooperation of the assembly authorities.”

Originally, the applicants had wanted to hold the System Change Camp on the large fairground of the Hamburg city park, which would have offered enough space. However, the assembly authorities referred the organizers to a much smaller area at the Altonaer Volkspark. In doing so, the authority probably relied on the fact that the space requirement would be lower without the sleeping tents and infrastructure that it had banned. After the decision of the Higher Administrative Court, this is no longer the case.

More than 30 political groups have formed an alliance for the System Change Camp in Hamburg. Besides us: Abya Yala Anticolonial, Fridays for Future as well as the Green Youth and the BUND Youth from Hamburg, ASEED Europe or the Interventionist Left will be present in the camp. It is meant to unite the struggles of the political climate movement and anti-colonial and anti-militarist groups.

You can find more info on our website: (in german)

zwei Menschen von hinten in weißen Aktionsanzügen sitzen Arm in Arm unter einem blauen Regenschirm an einem Feldrand.

2. Awareness and Barriers at the camp

Awareness is a concept that stands against any form of discrimination, violence and transgression of borders. Violating and border-crossing behaviour, such as sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, classist or comparable attacks, will not be tolerated at the System Change Camp. What this means for our work as an awareness team on the campsite you can be read in the awareness concept (in german).

You can find more information on our website:

At Ende Gelände we are in a continuous learning process on the way to more inclusive activism. Furthermore, this year, we would like to use an assistance-buddy-system to bring people in contact with each other who need or can offer assistance before, during and after the action. For this we have an email: (PGP available upon request). You are welcome to write a request to this mail address for assistance or needs in general; or get in touch if you can imagine providing assistance.

In an exchange with different people and structures, we have already planned some things that will hopefully enable more people to participate and feel comfortable in the camp. If there are further needs or you have further comments, please contact us at
You can find more information on our website:

3. Podcast Episode #33 Action & Repression

Every system tries to counteract external changes, which can be felt as pressure on many levels. Starting with the stress that may be put on you by relatives, up to police and legal measures against you. No matter what kind of action, it makes sense to deal with possible repression beforehand, be it governmental or civil, and to know the legal situation.

We understand repression as a political means of pressure, which has to be opposed together. We want to give you the necessary support and pass on our knowledge. At the same time, however, we depend on your attention and cooperation. Unfortunatly, we cannot promise a watertight answer to every question because repression is not always predictable. It depends on tactics and strategies of the repression authorities (e.g. police, public prosecutor’s office). What remains clear, nevertheless, is that repression seeks to isolate and intimidate.

Repression is and should be unpredictable, still, know how based on previous experiences and assessments help, but they are no guarantees. Either way: Together we build structures that bear the consequences of repression in solidarity – no one remains alone!

Here you can find our podcast:


4. Climate Camp in Lützerath 24.-28.08.2022

In the upcoming fall, Lützerath is again at risk of demolition.
At Climate camp X Lützerath, we want to use the space to work together to take the climate justice movement in Germany to the next level. This is the opportunity to combine skillshares, cohesion and empowerment with the protest against RWE and the current government’s climate policy!

For more info, please visit our website: (in german)


5. Donations

Support us now with your donation!

Even if we fight for a world in which money no longer decides what is done and what is not: In order to be able to rent numerous tents, transport material or purchase equipment for the movement in the long run, we also need currently accepted and existing means of payment. That’s why we are very happy if you can make a financial contribution and thus help us to have more freedom of action.

Here you can find out how to support us and further information regarding donations:

No matter if once or regularly. No matter if pit, camp or donation – become a part of Ende Gelände!


Call for anti-LNG action weeks!

10. September 2024 We all know that clean gas is a dirty lie! The import of fracked LNG promotes neo-colonial exploitation, leads to massive climate damage and environmental destruction, especially in indigenous and black communities. Continue reading ...